
Weather Alert!!!

Message from James Span: 


I am writing this on the eve of what is expected to be a significant severe weather event for Alabama and the Deep South. On days like this I wonder about our messaging. Is it clear? Are we leaving out certain people groups? What else could we do to reach everyone letting them know of the dangerous setup?

I think the weather community has done a good job of getting the word out across multiple platforms. TV, radio, digital, social. But, we still need your help tonight. If you know of someone who doesn't pay attention to the weather, and stays "off the grid", please get in touch with them and let them know of the threat.

The key messages for everyone tonight...

*Have two ways of receiving warnings. NOAA Weather Radio, and your smart phone. One the phone, have WEA enabled (emergency alerts under notifications), and download the ABC 33/40 Weather App. NEVER rely on a siren. NEVER.

*Know your safe place, and in that place have helmets for everyone, along with portable air horns and hard soled shoes.

*If you live in a mobile home, you can't stay there during a tornado warning. Know the location of the nearest shelter, or business that is open 24/7. And, how to get there as quickly as possible.

You can help us spread the word.

And, for those of you that suffer from storm/tornado anxiety or PTSD, understand odds of any one place being hit by a tornado, even during a major outbreak, are always low. Never be afraid, just be in a position to hear warnings and have a plan. We will make it through the day together.

The new SPC severe weather outlook for tomorrow will be issued around midnight tonight. Don't get caught up in the threat level (high, moderate, enhanced, etc...), just know all of Alabama has a significant threat of severe storms tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow night, and into the pre-dawn hours Thurday.

And, remember, when tornado warnings begin, all of my attention will be focused on live coverage on ABC 33/40. You can watch us over the air (FREE!), or on the ABC 33/40 web site, app, or Facebook page.

See you on ABC 33/40 News tonight at 10:00!

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