More Holiday Events in store for Selma after its annual Christmas Parade


It has been a week since Selma held its annual Christmas Parade. Selma City Council President, Warren Billy Young, said despite the rain the Christmas spirit was still there. 

"The Christmas Parade lived up to all of my hopes! I hoped the Parade would provide joy to all of our citizens," he said. "The people of Selma had big smiles on their faces and you could feel the joy from our children."

There were a few changes to registration this year. With over 60 entires, Young said he was pleased with participation. He believes the changes made the registration process more accessible.

"This year, all parade participants entered and got their numbers from at the intersection of Washington and J.L. Chestnut," he said.  "Also, the registration process was very user friendly this year, which I'm sure improved participation."

There are more upcoming holiday events in store for locals to enjoy. Young said the Christmas Parade was only the start of this year's holiday fun. 

"We have tons of Holiday activities left, including Council President's Toy Joy Jubilee on December 22," he said. "Several local non profits are also hosting toy giveaways." 

The fun doesn't stop in 2022, the city has bigger plans in store for the new year. 

"After the Holidays the city will have a huge Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend celebration including a Parade, community cleanup, and a citywide observance,"  Young said. "We're going to go higher in 2023."

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