Blackbelt Reports held its official launch party at local Coffee Shoppe


The Blackbelt Reports held it’s official launch party on Sunday, April 18, 2021 at the Coffee Shoppe in Selma. Community members and local government officials came to celebrate the organization’s grand opening.

Blackbelt Reports was founded March 10, 2021 with the mission of providing positive, yet accurate updates on local news.

The brunch style event yielded positive reviews from guests as everyone ate, mixed and mingled.

Editor in Chief, Oniska Blevins, personally greeted everyone and thanked them for coming.

Upon entry, guests were encouraged to subscribe to the website to receive local news updates and follow the organization on social media.

Each guest also had an opportunity to support the small news organization by purchasing one of the grab bags filled with Blackbelt Reports marketing items and pamphlets on local historic information. 

The organization would like to send special thanks to the Coffee Shoppe and owner Jackie Smith for the venue, the Selma and Dallas County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Information director Sheryl Smedley for providing pamphlets on local news information, District 4 Dallas County Commissioner Jan Justice for providing information on local and statewide cleanup initiatives, and the Interpretive Center for providing historic informational pamphlets for guests. 

Family and friends of the editor  also added a special touch to the event and are appreciated for all of the help provided.

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