Alabama pauses Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine


As the number of vaccinated people steadily rise, the U.S. has decided to put a pause on the Johnson & Johnson vaccination shot.

Governor Kay Ivey released a press release today stating the vaccine will be paused due to adverse effects.

“Covid- 19 vaccine safety is a top priority for Alabama. It is important to know that the adverse effects potentially stemming from the Johnson & Johnson shit have been extremely rare in the country, but our of an abundance of caution, Alabama is temporarily pausing these shots until we know more,” Ivey said.

Even with this minor hiccup, Ivey said she hopes Alabamians are able to move forward towards putting the deadly coronavirus to bed.

“I commend Dr. Harris for taking this swift step in our state so that we can continue moving forward, getting shots in the arms and putting Covid-19 behind us once and for all,” Ivey said.

Gov. Ivey also took to her Twitter account to share the news as well.

“Out of an abundance of caution, Dr. Scott Harris just announced Alabama will temporarily pause Johnson & Johnson #COVID19 vaccination shots being given in the state.”

According to Alabama Public Health, as of April 12, 2021 there are 519,071 total cases of Covid-19 in the state of Alabama. 

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