Alabama People Against A Littered State's Don't Drop it on Alabama Spring Cleanup initiative is here


Spring is here and for the Alabama People Against A Littered State (ALPALS) that means it's Spring Cleanup time.

Alabama People Against A Littered State (ALPALS) is a statewide organization dedicated to making Alabama more beautiful by sponsoring programs focused on cleaning up litter in Alabama's streets, streams, campuses, and coastlines.

The 2021 Alabama PALS Don’t Drop It on Alabama Spring Cleanup will be Thursday, April 1st -Friday, April 30th.

District 4 Dallas County Commissioner Jan Justice said the cleanup is not only about beautification but education as well.

“This is to mainly educate people about environmental concerns with litter,” she said. “There is a campus program to engage K-12 and colleges.”

In 1987, Alabama PALS and their partners started creating and implementing statewide litter prevention programs to improve and beautify each corner of Alabama.

Justice said that cleaning the city helps with overall morale of the citizens.

“I’m just hoping that if we can get the city and the county cleaned up and looking better that maybe we can keep it better,” she said.

According to Justice, not only is having a clean community good for citizens' morale it is also good representaion for visitors.

“It reflects so badly on our attitudes,” she said. “When people come to visit Selma and they see this litter coming in on Hwy 80 or 14 it gives people such a bad opinion of Selma or Dallas County.”

Neighborhood groups will be picking up trash throughout Dallas County on most Saturdays during the month of April.

On Saturday, April 10th a kick-off prayer will be held at 9:00 a.m. in the parking lot of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church.

Justice has bags available for any organizations that would like to participate in the cleanup. All bags were provided free of charge by sponsors.

For more information and garbage bags call Jan Justice at 334-419-0845 or email at

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